Stress and Center Disease

The relationship between stress, middle disease and sudden death has been recognized since antiquity. The incidence of heart attacks and sudden death have been shown to increment significantly post-obit the acute stress of natural disasters similar hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis and equally a consequence of any severe stressor that evokes "fight or flying' responses. Coronary heart disease is also much more common in individuals subjected to chronic stress and recent research has focused on how to identify and prevent this growing problem, specially with respect to job stress. In many instances, we create our own stress that contributes to coronary disease past smoking and other faulty lifestyles or considering of dangerous traits like excess anger, hostility, aggressiveness, fourth dimension urgency, inappropriate competitiveness and preoccupation with piece of work. These are characteristic of Type A coronary prone behavior, now recognized to be equally meaning a risk factor for heart attacks and coronary events as cigarette consumption, elevated cholesterol and claret pressure. While Type A beliefs tin also increment the likelihood of these standard risk factors, its strong correlation with coronary heart disease persists even when these influences have been excluded. All the same, in that location is considerable confusion about how to diagnose and measure Type A beliefs and numerous misconceptions about which components are the about as indicated in the Interview with Dr. Ray Rosenman, i of the co-authors of the Blazon A behavior concept. The following give-and-take is designed to clarify these and other aspects of the function of emotions and behavior in heart disease and how this may relate to the explosive increase in job stress. References have besides been provided to obtain additional details on items that may be of special interest.

Emotions, Behavioral Traits and Heart Affliction: Some Historical Highlights

The appreciation that dissimilar emotions could take powerful influences on the heart and the recognition of some intimate but poorly understood mind-heart connexion is inappreciably new. Aristotle and Virgil really taught that the heart rather than the brain was the seat of the mind and soul and similar beliefs can be institute in aboriginal Hindu scriptures and other Eastern philosophies. Some 2000 years ago, the Roman md Celsus unwittingly acknowledged this mind-heart relationship by noting that "fear and acrimony, and any other state of the mind may ofttimes exist apt to excite the pulse." Our primeval uses of the give-and-take heart clearly indicate its conceptualization every bit the seat of one'due south innermost feelings, temperament, or graphic symbol. Broken-hearted, heartache, take to heart, consume your centre out, heart of gold, heart of stone, stouthearted, are merely a few of the words and phrases we notwithstanding employ that vividly symbolize such behavior.

William Harvey, who discovered that the circulation of the blood effectually the trunk through vessels was due to the mechanical action of the heart also recognized that the heart was more than a mere pump. As he wrote in 1628, "every affection of the mind that is attended either with pain or pleasure, hope or fear, is the cause of an agitation whose influence extends to the center."(Harvey, 1628) During the 18th century, John Hunter, who elevated surgery from a mechanical trade to an experimental science, suffered from angina, and being a keen observer complained, "my life is in the hands of whatsoever rascal who chooses to annoy and tease me." He turned out to be somewhat of a prophet, since it was a heated argument with a colleague that precipitated his sudden death from a heart assail. (Domicile, 1796) Napoleon's favorite dr., Corvisart, wrote that eye disease was due to "the passions of the mind", among which he included acrimony, madness, fear, jealousy, terror, love, despair, joy, forehandedness, stupidity, and ambition.

With respect to personality and Type A behavioral traits, Von Düsch, a 19th century German physician, first noted that excessive involvement in work appeared to exist the hallmark of people who died from heart attacks. (Von Düsch, 1868) He did not imply that job stress was the culprit, but rather that such individuals seemed to be preoccupied with their work and had few outside interests. Over 100 years ago, Sir William Osler, an acute clinician, succinctly described the coronary-prone individual as a "keen, and ambitious man, the indicator of whose engines are set at 'full speed ahead". (Osler, 1892) He afterward wrote that he could brand the presumptive diagnosis of angina based on the advent, demeanor and mannerisms of the patient in the waiting room and how he entered the consultation room. (Osler, 1910) In the 1930s, the Menningers suggested that coronary heart patients tended to exist very aggressive. (Menninger & Menninger, 1936) Flanders Dunbar, who introduced the term "psychosomatic" into American medicine, characterized the coronary prone private every bit being authoritarian with an intense drive to accomplish unrealistic goals. (Dunbar, 1943) Kemple also emphasized violent ambition and a compulsive striving to achieve power and prestige. (Kemple, 1945) A one-half century agone, Stewart Wolf described what he called the "Sisyphus" reaction". (Wolf, 1955) In Greek mythology, Sisyphus, the king of Corinth, was doomed by the gods to a life of constant struggle by existence condemned to roll a huge marble bolder upward a hill, which, as soon equally it reached the peak, ever rolled down again. Wolf characterized people who were coronary prone as constantly striving confronting real but oftentimes cocky-imposed challenges, and even if successful, non being able to relax or relish the satisfaction of achievement.

What is Type A Coronary Prone Beliefs?

In 1959, a newspaper by Meyer (Mike) Friedman and Ray Rosenman appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association entitled "Association of specific overt behavior patterns with blood and cardiovascular findings: Blood cholesterol level, blood clotting time, incidence of arcus senilis and clinical coronary artery disease." (Friedman & Rosenman, 1959) The subtitle linking specific behavioral traits with things like claret cholesterol, clotting time, arcus senilis and coronary disease that had no apparent relationship to each other must take seemed strange to many readers. Neither of these two cardiologists had any expertise in psychology, which may have been fortuitous, since they had no preconceived notions. What they did have was an unusual combination of curiosity, diagnostic acumen and a bio-psychosocial approach to the patient every bit a person, rather than someone to exist treated in a cookbook mode based on laboratory tests, symptoms or signs.

Equally noted, psychiatrists and others interested in psychosomatic disorders had previously described sure personality characteristics in middle attack patients. Withal, information technology was non possible to show that these had whatever causal relationship since such idiosyncrasies could take resulted from the illness rather than vice versa. Friedman and Rosenman were the start to explain why specific behaviors could cause heart attacks and contribute to coronary artery disease. The term "Type A" was non mentioned in this initial paper merely emerged the post-obit year in an commodity describing how this type of "overt pattern behavior A" could be detected by a "new psycho-physiological procedure" (Friedman& Rosenman, 1960) Rosenman was subsequently able to show the predictive value of this technique and then that coronary prone patients could be identified and hopefully treated to prevent futurity problems. (Rosenman et al. 1964).

At the fourth dimension, brute studies had led to the widespread assumption that heart attacks were due to occlusion of a coronary artery by atherosclerotic deposits resulting from elevated claret cholesterol levels. This, in turn, was primarily the consequence of increased fat and cholesterol intake. Support for this was reinforced by research showing that the significant variation in mortality rates from coronary center disease in different countries showed a clear correlation with fat consumption. The greater the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol in the average nutrition the higher the claret cholesterol and death rate from heart affliction in that country. However, Friedman and Rosenman could non confirm this close relationship with serum cholesterol and high fat diet in their center assail patients and looked for other possible contributing factors. They were intrigued by the observation that two-thirds of the heart attacks in the Us occurred in men, while in United mexican states the incidence was equal between men and women. The aforementioned equal split appeared to be in southern Italia only not in northern Italy, where the ratio was four men to ane adult female. This disparity was obviously non due to any divergence in diet or other environmental gene, and on further assay appeared to be related more to social, cultural, and behavioral attitudes that might best come under the heading of "maleness."

Such individuals exhibited certain characteristic activity patterns, including.

  1. Self-imposed standards that are oft unrealistically aggressive and pursued in an inflexible mode. Associated with this are a need to maintain productivity in society to exist respected, a sense of guilt while on holiday or relaxing, an unrelenting urge for recognition or power, and a competitive attitude that often creates challenges fifty-fifty when none exist.
  2. Certain thought and activity styles characterized by persistent vigilance and impulsiveness, commonly resulting in the pursuit of several lines of thought or action simultaneously.
  3. Hyperactive responsiveness often manifested by a tendency to interrupt or stop a sentence in chat, usually in dramatic style, by varying the speech, book, and/or pitch, or by alternate rapid bursts of words with long pauses of hesitation for accent, indicating intensive thought. Type A persons often nod or mutter agreement or utilise curt bursts of laughter to obliquely signal to the speaker that the point beingness fabricated has already been anticipated so that they can take over.
  4. Unsatisfactory interpersonal relationships due to the fact that Type As are unremarkably self-centered, poor listeners, oftentimes accept an attitude of blowing nearly their own superiority, and are much more easily angered, frustrated, or hostile if their wishes are not respected or their goals are not achieved.
  5. Increased muscular action in the form of gestures, motions, and facial activities such every bit grimaces, gritting and grinding of the teeth, or tensing jaw muscles. Often there is frequent clenching of the fist or perhaps pounding with a fist to emphasize a point. Fidgeting, tapping the anxiety, leg shaking, or playing with a pencil in some rhythmic style are likewise common.
  6. Irregular or unusual breathing patterns with frequent sighing, produced by inhaling more air than needed while speaking and then releasing it during the middle or finish of a judgement for accent.

It was also noted that coronary prone patients tend to be very competitive and oftentimes overly aggressive. They are usually in a hurry and consequently swallow, talk, walk and do near other activities at a more rapid pace. Type A's are by and large more concerned with the quantity rather than the quality of their piece of work, effort to do too many things at once, are frequently preoccupied with what they are going to exercise next, and tend to accept few interests outside their piece of work. (Rosch 1983a).

How did the Type A Concept Originate?

How the Type A coronary prone beliefs hypothesis evolved is a fascinating story, especially since information technology began because of an interest in cholesterol metabolism rather personality characteristics. As Ray Rosenman explained to me in a recent interview (Rosch, 2004),

"Mike and I were partners in our San Francisco clinical do across the street from Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Centre. Our Harold Brunn Institute for Cardiovascular Research edifice adjoined the hospital and post-obit early hospital rounds we spent total mornings in the research lab and afternoons in the office. Past 1950, although fat and cholesterol had long been fed to rabbits to produce vascular lesions, fiddling was known nigh where plasma cholesterol came from or how information technology was metabolized. We also noted that this blazon of vascular harm was quite different from that seen in patients with coronary artery disease. We obtained Public Health Service and other grants to brainstorm brute studies and Mike was able to solve many cardinal aspects of cholesterol metabolism. I was later able to delineate the mechanisms underlying low and high plasma cholesterol respectivelyi in hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism and what caused elevated lipids in patients with nephrosis. Around 1952, because of our growing involvement in cholesterol, nosotros obtained blood samples from individual patients at every visit for (no-price) accurate analyses at our enquiry lab. We before long realized that that there were surprising fluctuations in their cholesterol levels that were unrelated to nutrition or weight, and had lilliputian relationship to subsequent coronary events.

We later on recognized and reported serious errors and omissions in papers by Keys and others almost the contribution of diet to plasma cholesterol. The prevailing dogma, which still persists, was that coronary middle disease was due to elevated cholesterol, which in turn resulted from increased dietary fat intake. Our own and other information that Keys had ignored in reaching his conclusions did not support this and reinforced our belief that socioeconomic influences played a more than of import role in the increased incidence of coronary disease likewise as gender differences.2

A discerning secretary in our office practice told the states that in contrast to our other patients, those with coronary disease were rarely tardily for appointments and preferred to sit in hard-upholstered chairs rather than softer ones or sofas. These chairs also had to be reupholstered far more than oft than others because the front edges speedily became worn out. They looked at their watches oft and acted impatient when they had to expect, usually sabbatum on the edges of waiting room chairs and tended to bound upwards when called to be examined. Her acute observations significantly reinforced our own awareness of like behaviors in our coronary patients, and then mainly males, that you summarized so well over two decades ago." (Rosch 1983 a)

Ray also told me that when he asked patients near what they idea had caused their heart problems diet or cholesterol was hardly e'er mentioned. Occupational pressures and other sociocultural stresses headed the list. Some spouses had spontaneously volunteered the opinion that their husband's heart attack was directly due to excessive involvement in work related activities. When Rosenman and Friedman later asked the wives, relatives, friends and co-workers of heart set on patients to list possible contributing factors, they were surprised at how oft their assessment similarly ranked job stress right at the acme. The cluster of behaviors and activity patterns previously described that also emerged from these sources was far more common in males than female person. Information technology was also was evident that the current marked increased incidence of coronary affliction had occurred mainly in men without whatever significant alter in their diet, increased prevalence of diabetes, hypertension or other risk factors. Even when combined, the standard Framingham coronary risk factors of smoking, hypertension and cholesterol accounted for only near ane third of coronary disease patients in prospective studies. Information technology became increasingly clear that these risk factors were merely markers that might predict coronary events just did not crusade them. As one authority noted in an all-encompassing review,
"The best combinations of the standard risk factors fail to place nigh new cases of coronary illness . . .. And, whereas simultaneous presence of two or more risk factors is associated with extremely high take a chance of coronary disease, such situations simply predict a pocket-size minority of cases . . . . . A broad array of contempo research studies betoken with e'er increasing certainty to the position that sure psychological, social and beliefs weather do put persons at higher risk of clinically manifest coronary disease." (Jenkins 1971)

For case, despite the fact that standard run a risk factor levels were the same, there were striking geographic differences in the prevalence and incidence of coronary disease in diverse populations in Northern vs. Southern Europe and the U.S. vs. Mexico. These disparities were not due to whatever dietary differences and on closer analysis, seemed related more to what might be viewed every bit a "macho" attitude and personality. I was curious as to why it was decided to label this kind of beliefs equally "Blazon A" and Ray explained,
"While nosotros were doing prevalence studies in male person and female subjects we realized it was necessary to exercise a prospective study. (Rosenman & Friedman 1961) I submitted a grant proposal that was twice rejected, and so successfully modified past a proposition from the Public Health Service Managing director that we term the two behavior types as 'Type A and Type B'. Later on a site visit the grant was approved for two years. The methodology of the Western Collaborative Group Study, including the Structured Interview (SI) for assessing beliefs patterns was described in my start follow-up paper. ( Rosenman, Friedman, Straus et al. 1966) Later site visits led to grant extensions for long-term follow-up, largely due to the efforts of the remarkable Dr. Stewart Wolf. We became skilful friends many years later through you, your annual Congress and other activities of the American Found of Stress."

How can you mensurate Type A Coronary Prone Behavior?

The 1974 all-time seller Type A Behavior And Your Heart (Friedman and Rosenman 1974) stimulated studies by others and Type A soon became role of vernacular speech. The significant contribution of Blazon A behavior to coronary heart disease (CHD) was subsequently acknowledged by a committee of authorities assembled by the National Institutes of Wellness (The Review Console 1981), who noted,
The Review Panel accepts the bachelor torso of scientific evidence equally demonstrating that Type A beliefs . . . is associated with an increased gamble of clinically apparent CHD in employed, middle-anile U.S. citizens. This increased risk is greater than that imposed by age, elevated levels of systolic claret pressure, serum cholesterol, and smoking and appears to be of the same lodge of magnitude as the relative risk associated with the latter iii of these other factors [p.1200]

Nonetheless, the initial support and enthusiasm waned following several studies that failed to confirm the stance of the NIH expert panel. One problem was that like stress, Blazon A meant different things to different people. More importantly, researchers also used different assessment or measurement methods then information technology is not surprising that they reached conflicting conclusions.
It is axiomatic from their initial publications that Friedman and Rosenman were careful to emphasize that Blazon A was an "overt behavior blueprint". What they meant by this were observable traits and characteristics that could exist readily detected by others, such as the vocal stylistics, breathing patterns, facial grimaces, trunk movements, hyperresponsiveness and accelerated stride of activities previously described. In their extensive study of employees of several large Western corporations, Rosenman and colleagues were able to predict susceptibility to coronary disease by behavioral characteristics such as a tense, alert and confident appearance; potent voice, clipped, rapid and emphatic oral communication, laconic answers; evidences of hostility, aggressiveness and impatience, and frequent sighing during questioning. As they noted, (Rosenman, Friedman, Straus et al 1964):
Before and during the personal interview, the post-obit observations upon each subject area were made and recorded past the interviewer. (1) Degree of mental and emotional alertness (minimal, boilerplate, extreme), (2) Speed of locomotion (minimal, boilerplate, extreme), (iii) Trunk restlessness (none, average, extreme), (4) Facial grimaces (scowls, teeth-clenching and tic in which teeth are clenched and masseter muscles are tensed, (5) Hand movements (fist-clenching, gestures made with extraordinary vigor, e.thou. desk-pounding). [p.122]

The actual responses to the questions were not peculiarly important since the major purpose of the interview was to elicit and systematically observe the stress-related body linguistic communication and speech. In clinical do, authentic assessment of Type A behavior requires a structured personal interview by a trained investigator using standardized challenges to elicit these tell tale characteristics. For example, one such challenge might exist conducted equally follows:
The investigator begins the interview past asking the post-obit question in a deliberate and painfully slow, monotonous style. "Mr. Smith, (two second pause), about people, when they go to piece of work during the week – that is, Monday through Friday-, go upwardly early (2 second pause), – say around 6:thirty to 7 AM. That is probably because information technology necessary to provide enough time for them to shower, brush their teeth, (ii second pause) then forth, get dressed, have something to eat, and and then they travel by car, bus or railroad train and so they can get to work past a certain time (two second suspension), which is ofttimes between 8:xxx and 9 AM. Now, in your case* (three 2d intermission), what time practise you usually become up (2 second pause) during the week, that is Mon through Friday? How practise you travel to work and what time do y'all usually get there? Unknown to the subject area, the interviewer starts a stopwatch every bit noted by the asterisk above after asking " At present in your instance". A flaming Type A would interrupt almost immediately before the question was finished to chop-chop explain his usual daily routine. In contrast, a Type B would listen to the entire recitation, reflect for a few moments, then slowly respond with something like "Well, on Mondays, I tend to go up at vi or a footling later only on other days it is unremarkably closer to vii " and continue on with a leisurely narration of possible variations on subsequent weekday habits.

Again, the interviewer is not equally interested in the content of the response as much as the mode in which information technology is conveyed and how the subject acts during the interview with respect to facial expressions, gestures, testify of impatience, time urgency, and other typical Blazon A traits. Each of these has a certain value and is rated as to severity to obtain a concluding cess. Interviews are videotaped and so that several reviewers tin can carefully review the responses and attain agreement on the significance of each component. These Type A characteristics have been described in detail to emphasize that this circuitous behavioral pattern can only be accurately assessed past personal observation of the subject by an investigator who has been trained to elicit and evaluate typical responses. Blazon A behavior is almost incommunicable to observe in someone who is very ill, bored, depressed, or frightened, such as in a patient recently hospitalized for a middle attack or some other serious medical condition. Reliable ratings therefore require considerable expertise, making big-scale studies quite time consuming and costly.

As a consequence, a variety of questionnaires have been devised to notice such aspects of Type A beliefs as competitiveness, ambition, impatience, hostility, preoccupation with work, or a constant sense of time urgency. The Thurstone Temperament Survey'due south Action Schedule and Gough Describing word Bank check List measure only selective Type A behaviors. Others like the Jenkins Activeness Survey, Framingham Blazon A, Vickers and Bortner Scales were designed to duplicate the structured interview. Withal self-reports neglect to capture the stylistics and psychomotor behaviors that are essential to the construct of Type A and its cess. Self-report questionnaires were rarely validated by those who used them in then many published Blazon A studies, which besides led to considerable confusion in this field. Such questionnaires appraise different behavioral characteristics and the field of study'due south perception of attitudes, attributes, and activities and show poor correlation amidst themselves or with the results of a properly conducted structured interview. The most usually used instrument, the Jenkins Activity Survey, detects three main behavioral syndromes: (i) difficult-driving temperament, (ii) chore involvement, and (three) speed and impatience. (Jenkins 1965) Although the 3 scores derived correlate with the total evaluation, they are non necessarily related to one another, and the overall accurateness is only about lxx% when compared with a structured personal interview. (Jenkins, Rosenman, Zyzanski 1974) It should be emphasized in evaluating any self-administered questionnaire that Type A individuals are frequently unaware of many of their behavioral patterns or volition deny them. No single Blazon A individual should be expected to exhibit all of the in a higher place characteristics, and conversely, some Type A characteristics are often institute in Type B's. Contrary to popular opinion, at that place is no rating scale for Type B behavior or definition other than the relative absence of Type A traits.

As our understanding and ability to mensurate Type A improves, information technology is possible that certain components such as time urgency, latent hostility, aggressiveness, or authoritarianism may be plant to have a greater predictive significance for coronary eye illness. In detail, it has been proposed that "hostility" correlates best with coronary affliction. (Williams 1984) This conclusion is based on responses to the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), a 566-detail questionnaire developed in 1937 that quickly became the gold standard for psychological testing of hundreds of thousands of college students and prospective employees. For example, past analyzing responses to various MMPI questions that comprised a subscale, 1 could screen for tendencies to such undesirable things equally schizophrenia, low, paranoia and introversion. About 50 years ago, two psychologists, Cook and Medley, selected 50 items to grouping into what they chosen a hostility (Ho) subscale that could differentiate betwixt teachers who were most likely to take good or poor rapport with students. Redford and colleagues showed that a follow-up of individuals who scored high on Ho scale ratings had significantly higher bloodshed rates from coronary middle disease. They also reported that the Ho rating scale could exist further separated into subscales that measure cynicism and paranoid alienation. Even so, neither the Ho nor either of its subscales measures anger, irritability or aggression, which are the hallmarks of hostility. Rather, they are more apt to reflect neuroticism and psychopathologic traits that are not predictive of coronary disease.

Like Blazon A, hostility is best evaluated past observation, rather than self-report questionnaires such as the MMPI and hostility ratings obtained by personal observation do non correlate well with Ho scale measurements. Subjects with high Ho scores also tend to accept high scores on the Jenkins Activity Survey speed and impatience and difficult driving temperament subscales. Thus, the Ho scale may simply exist measuring certain aspects of Blazon A coronary-prone behavior only labeling information technology as something else. I have had occasion to enquire both Mike Friedman and Ray Rosenman whether any particular Type A trait was most useful in predicting the likelihood of a coronary event or was information technology the presence of many that was more important. As emphasized in the original papers, Friedman was most impressed with time urgency, and referred to Type A as "the hurry sickness". Ray Rosenman agreed that there was little doubtfulness that the increased incidence of coronary disease had occurred in clan with a faster step of living, simply for him, the cardinal Type A characteristic was constant competitiveness. Fifty-fifty when playing games confronting children, Blazon A's often remain fiercely competitive and hate to lose.

Are Type A's addicted to their ain adrenaline secretion?

Equally previously proposed, I believe information technology is quite plausible that Type A is a self-perpetuating beliefs due to stress induced adrenaline habit. (Rosch 1989) It is possible that other stress-related neurohumoral secretions such as serotonin, dopamine or beta-endorphin besides have the potential for inducing addiction. Support for this comes from Solomon's "opponent-process theory of acquired motivation", which basically asserts that human is by nature susceptible to diverse habits and addictions that provide a sense of pleasure. (Solomon 1977) Withal, when deprived of the affair that is craved, an opposing emotional state oftentimes results. The exhilarating feeling of being in love changes to melancholy if one is deprived of any contact with their dear. People who are hooked on skydiving may become severely depressed if the atmospheric condition interferes with their activities for a few days. Similarly, withdrawal from cigarettes, alcohol, narcotics, tranquilizers, or recreational drugs oft produces an emotional country directly opposite from the pleasurable sensations those substances induce.

Blazon A's who have get addicted to surges of their stress related hormonal secretions might unconsciously seek ways to induce their associated "highs". That could come in the form of constructing contests and challenges, like getting to the airport soon earlier takeoff to avoid waiting, turning a motorcar trip into a race past predicting specific times at which check points must be reached, purposely leaving a desk untidy or room untidy, or delaying an assignment to the last minute-only so there will exist some sort of time urgent, last-minute challenge. When deprived of such stimuli, Type A's are apt to exist irritable and depressed. Thus, recuperating from a centre attack by spending two weeks on a deserted tropical embankment might exist perfect for many patients simply a dangerous prescription for some Type A's, who would likely be agitated within an 60 minutes if they were unable to become back to their work or contact their office to see what was going on.

Stress versus cholesterol for Coronary Heart Disease

It has long been recognized that severe or sudden emotional stress could event in a eye attack or sudden decease. Walter Cannon at Harvard first delineated the mechanisms responsible for this in the early part of the last century. (Cannon 1914) Cannon'southward studies demonstrated that responses to the stress of acute fright resulted in a marked increase in sympathetic nervous system activity and an outpouring of sympathin (adrenaline) that prepared the animal for lifesaving "fight or flight." His afterward studies of the mechanism of "os pointing" or "voodoo" death as well implicated backlog secretion of hormones from the adrenal medulla into the blood stream as the most probable cause of fatal arrhythmia. (Cannon 1942) Hans Selye'due south formulation of the stress concept in the late 1940's provided further insight into the role of pituitary and adrenal cortical hormones in mediating dissentious cardiovascular responses to stress.

His subsequent research included the experimental production of "metabolic cardiac necroses," in which direct biochemical injury to eye muscle rather than occlusion of the coronary vessels was the causative factor. (Selye 1958) Since and so, information technology has been observed that stress tin can crusade accelerated atherosclerosis and coronary occlusion that is associated with elevated cholesterol, triglycerides, and free fatty acids, increased fibrinogen, haptoglobin, plasma seromucoids, platelet aggregation and adhesiveness, polycythemia, and accelerated blood clotting. We have also become increasingly enlightened of the important office of stress-induced coronary vasospasm in the production of clinical symptoms and disease. (Gersh et al 1981) Even more significant has been the identification of myocardial infarction in the absence of significant coronary occlusion due to excessive release of norepinephrine at myocardial nerve endings. This has been shown to produce a specific type of microscopic myocardial damage that appears to be identical in laboratory animals every bit well equally humans who have succumbed to sudden cardiac death as a result of an acutely stressful situation. (Cebelin, Hirsch 1981) There is also abundant evidence that astringent and acute emotional stress following an earthquake or other natural disaster or the loss of a loved one can result in hypertension, a heart attack or sudden expiry (Rosch 1994a, 1994b).

As emphasized, conventional dogma postulates that heart attacks are due to elevated cholesterol, which in turn is due to a loftier fat diet, a premise that presumably was proven past Ancel Key'south seven-country study that allegedly showed this close correlation. (Keys 1970, 1980) Nevertheless, nosotros now know that Keys conveniently paw picked these from a list of many more countries in an effort to back up the fatty dietcholesterolcenter attack hypothesis. Had he included all the data bachelor to him he would have confirmed that these associations were weak, absent-minded, and in some instances inverse. (Jacobs et al 1992) The Framingham study was largely responsible for the belief that cholesterol, cigarettes and hypertension acquired heart attacks but if this was truthful, then removing these "take chances factors" should reduce the incidence of coronary events. (Rosch 1983b)

In 1982, the disappointing results of the seven-yr, $115 meg MRFIT written report were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. MRFIT is an acronym for Multiple Risk Cistron Intervention Trail, which was designed to testify the beneficial outcome of stopping smoking and lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. (Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial Group 1982) All the same, patients in whom these desired results were achieved did not receive any significant protection. In fact, a subset of hypertensives treated with diuretics had a higher incidence of middle attacks than controls, perhaps because they caused hypokalemia, which potentiated damaging adrenergic effects and risk for sudden death. (Rosch 1983b) In contrast, over the aforementioned period, ii other studies designed to reduce the likelihood of recurrent heart attacks were and then successful that they were halted prematurely so that controls would non be denied the benefit of intervention. 1 was a trial using techniques to reduce Type A coronary prone beliefs. (Thoresen, Friedman et al. 1982), (Friedman, Thoresen et al 1982) The other was an NIH sponsored report of nearly four,000 patients in which it was found that after only two years the administration of propanolol (Inderal) had reduced mortality by 26%. (Beta-Blocker Heart Attack Study Group 1981), (Beta-blocker center attack trial 1982) Both trials strongly suggest that stress-related sympathetic nervous system bulldoze and catecholamine secretion are the major culprits in coronary heart disease. Behavioral modification is aimed at turning off the epinephrine-norepinephrine spigot, and propanolol and other beta-blockers blunt the dissentious furnishings of such agents on the cardiovascular organization. These cardioprotective effects have been and then well documented that it has been suggested that beta-blockers be administered to all heart-assault patients provided there are no contraindications. (Kahn 1983)

Type A behavior, job stress and Coronary Heart Disease

Numerous surveys confirm that occupational pressures are far and away the leading source of stress for American adults and that job stress has escalated progressively over the past four decades. (Rosch 2001) While the causes for this vary with occupations and positions, nearly contributors autumn into the following categories:

How Work And Tasks Are Designed – Heavy workload; infrequent remainder breaks; long piece of work hours and shift piece of work; hectic and routine tasks that: have picayune inherent meaning, practise not allow workers to utilize their skills, and virtually importantly, provide little sense of control.

Direction Manner – Lack of participation by workers in controlling; poor communication in the system; lack of visitor policies that accept employees' family and personal obligations into consideration.

Interpersonal Relationships – Poor social environs and lack of support or assistance from co-workers and supervisors.

Vague Or Changing Chore Description – Conflicting or uncertain job expectations; too much responsibleness; too many hats to wear; too many superiors, co-workers or customers making very dissimilar demands.

Concerns About Employment Or Career – Job insecurity and lack of opportunity for advocacy, or promotion; rapid changes for which workers are unprepared due to unanticipated downsizing, mergers and hostile acquisitions.

Environmental Concerns – Unpleasant or unsafe concrete atmospheric condition in the workplace such equally crowding, racket, air pollution, or failure to address ergonomic bug.

Discrimination – Lack of opportunity for advocacy or promotion considering of age, gender, race, religion, or disability despite legislation designed to prevent this.

Violence, Physical And Exact Abuse – An average of 20 workers a week are murdered and 18,000 are physically abused in the U.S. only the number may exist higher since many such crimes are not reported. Homicide has become the second leading cause of workplace deaths overall and ranks first for females.

The relationship between job stress and disease was recognized 300 years ago by Bernardo Ramazzini, who described in detail the diseases of people engaged in forty unlike kinds of work and urged his young man physicians to question their patients virtually their occupations. (Ramazzini 1713) While the major focus was on physical hazards such as "precipitous and acrid particles" in the air at sure piece of work environments, he was well aware of the role of personal habits, behavior and psychosocial factors in causing illness and emphasized the importance of prevention. The clear link between job stress and cardiovascular disease was scientifically demonstrated xv years ago by Karasek and Theorell (Karasek and Theorell 1990) and has since been confirmed by numerous other investigators using their need/control model and it is essential to emphasize the importance of this approach.

While in that location are numerous claims that certain occupations are extremely stressful and therefore more probable to cause middle illness, these are usually self-serving and designed to obtain higher wages or more benefits for members by unions and organizations and are based on anecdotal self -report questionnaires rather than objective scientific studies. Various rankings of the "about" and "least" stressful jobs are as well misleading since job stress is entirely dependent on the person/environment fit as assessed by the perception of having lilliputian control merely significant demands. Some Type A's thrive in the pressure cooker of life in the fast lane, having numerous responsibilities and doing several things at in one case – provided they feel in control. This would overwhelm others who are content to do dull, dead end associates line duties that present no challenge since they are well inside their capabilities. Conversely, this could be very stressful for a Type A because of the perception of having no control over what is going on. Although Blazon A's tend to exist preoccupied with work-related activities it is a common misconception that they are under more stress than others or that their exaggerated cardiovascular reactivity to challenges leads to sustained hypertension and coronary affliction. In point of fact, Type A'south rarely perceive stress and never acknowledge to being stressed although they are notorious for causing stress in others. (Rosenman 1990, 1993)

Stress is difficult for scientists to define since it is a subjective phenomenon that differs for each of usa and nosotros all respond to stress differently. Things that are distressful for some people can exist pleasurable for others or have little significance either fashion, as can be readily illustrated by observing passengers on a steep roller coaster ride. Some are crouched down in the back seats with their eyes shut, jaws clenched, white knuckled equally they clamp the retaining bar. They tin can't look for the ride in the torture chamber to terminate and get on solid basis to scamper abroad. But up front are the thrill seekers, yelling and relishing every precipitous plunge, and who race to get on the very next ride! And in betwixt, you lot may observe a few with an air of nonchalance that seems to border on boredom. So, was the roller coaster ride stressful?

The roller coaster is a useful analogy that helps to explain stress. What distinguished the riders in the back from those up front was the sense of command they had over the event. While neither group had any more than or less control their perceptions and expectations were quite dissimilar. Although stress is difficult to define, all of our clinical and experimental enquiry confirms that the perception of having no control is always distressful – and that's what stress is all about. Many times we create our ain stress because of faulty perceptions. Y'all can teach people to movement from the back of the roller coaster to the forepart and nobody tin can make you feel junior unless you lot let them to. Stress is an unavoidable issue of life but there are some stresses you can do something nigh and others that you tin can't hope to avoid or control. The flim-flam is in learning to distinguish betwixt the 2 so that you don't waste your fourth dimension and talent, like Don Quixote, tilting at windmills you can never conquer. The best way to accomplish this is in learning how to correct faulty perceptions and develop a ameliorate sense of control over your activities at work also as at home. This volition not only improve your quality of life but also help protect y'all from coronary center disease and other stress-related disorders.


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Power Point presentation by Dr. Paul Rosch:

STRESS More Important THAN LDL
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