Egg Diet for Weight Loss Body

The Boiled Egg Diet is a popular fad diet that promises fast weight loss.

As its name implies, the diet involves eating several servings of hard-boiled eggs per day, along with other lean proteins, non-starchy vegetables, and low carb fruits.

While some appreciate the structured style of the plan and claim that it can jump-start weight loss, it has also been criticized for being highly restrictive, difficult to follow, and ineffective.

This article reviews the Boiled Egg Diet and whether it promotes weight loss.

diet review scorecard
  • Overall score: 1.33
  • Weight loss: 1
  • Healthy eating: 0.5
  • Sustainability: 2
  • Whole-body health: 1.5
  • Nutrition quality: 1
  • Evidence-based: 2

BOTTOM LINE: Although the Boiled Egg Diet encourages eating healthy food groups and may promote short-term weight loss, it's also overly restrictive and unsustainable.

The Boiled Egg Diet is an eating plan based on a 2018 book published by Arielle Chandler.

Although there are several variations of the diet, it typically involves eating either eggs or another type of lean protein with every meal, as well as non-starchy vegetables and one to two servings of low carb fruits per day.

According to the creator of the diet, this low carb, low calorie eating pattern can help you lose up to 25 pounds (11 kg) in just 2 weeks.

In addition to boosting weight loss, proponents claim that the diet supplies nutrients that improve blood sugar control, support healthy vision, and strengthen your bones, hair, and nails.

The book offers a structured meal plan, recipes, and foods to eat and avoid, making it easy to tailor the diet to your specific tastes and preferences.


The Boiled Egg Diet is a low carb, low calorie eating plan that claims to quickly boost weight loss by restricting your diet to a few specific food groups.

The Boiled Egg Diet permits specific foods for each meal of the day, and no snacks are allowed in between.

For breakfast, you should consume at least two eggs, along with one serving of a non-starchy vegetable like tomato or asparagus, as well as one low carb fruit, such as grapefruit.

Lunch and dinner should consist of non-starchy vegetables and either eggs or a small serving of another type of lean protein like chicken or fish.

Although exercise is not required as part of the plan, light physical activity like biking, aerobics, or speed walking is encouraged to maximize results.

Keep in mind that the diet is only intended to be followed for a few weeks at a time. After that, a transition period is recommended to help ease you back into a regular diet.

Foods to eat

The Boiled Egg Diet consists mostly of eggs, lean proteins, and low carb fruits and vegetables.

Calorie-free beverages are also permitted, including water and unsweetened tea or coffee.

These are some of the foods encouraged as part of the diet:

  • Eggs: egg yolks and whites
  • Lean proteins: skinless poultry, fish, and lean cuts of lamb, beef, and pork
  • Non-starchy vegetables: spinach, kale, arugula, broccoli, bell peppers, zucchini, collard greens, and tomatoes
  • Low carb fruits: lemons, limes, oranges, watermelon, berries, and grapefruit
  • Fats and oils: coconut oil, butter, and mayonnaise — all in small amounts
  • Beverages: water, sparkling water, diet soda, and unsweetened tea and coffee
  • Herbs and spices: garlic, basil, turmeric, pepper, rosemary, and oregano

Some variations of the plan also permit low fat dairy products, including skim milk and low fat yogurt and cheese.

Foods to avoid

The Boiled Egg Diet limits most high carb foods, including starchy vegetables, grains, and many fruits.

Sugar-sweetened beverages like soda are also off-limits, along with processed foods like sweet and salty snacks, frozen meals, and fast food.

Here are some foods to avoid on the Boiled Egg Diet:

  • Starchy vegetables: potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes, corn, and peas
  • High carb fruits: bananas, pineapples, mangoes, and dried fruit
  • Grains: bread, pasta, quinoa, couscous, farro, buckwheat, and barley
  • Processed foods: bacon, convenience meals, fast food, chips, pretzels, cookies, and sweets
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages: soda, juice, sweet tea, and sports drinks

The Boiled Egg Diet involves eating only three meals per day, each consisting of non-starchy vegetables, low carb fruits, and eggs or other lean proteins. No snacks are allowed between meals.

The Boiled Egg Diet consists mostly of low calorie ingredients like eggs, non-starchy vegetables, and low carb fruit.

Thus, following the diet will likely lead to a calorie deficit, meaning that you'll consume fewer calories than you burn throughout the day. Although several factors affect weight management, a calorie deficit is essential for weight loss (1, 2, 3).

The Boiled Egg Diet is also low in carbs, which may further enhance weight loss (4).

In fact, a review of 12 studies found that following a short-term, low carb diet significantly increased weight loss and improved several other risk factors for heart disease, such as blood pressure (5).

A study in 164 people with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or more also found that following a low carb diet for 20 weeks significantly enhanced metabolism and decreased levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin compared with a high carb diet (6).

That said, keep in mind that although the diet may lead to initial weight loss, you may regain the lost weight once you resume a normal diet. Therefore, it may not be the best option for sustainable, long-term weight loss.


The Boiled Egg Diet is low in calories and carbs, which could cause short-term weight loss. However, you may regain weight once a normal diet is resumed.

The Boiled Egg Diet encourages several healthy foods, including lean proteins, eggs, fruits, and vegetables, which are rich in many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are important to health (7, 8).

The diet also limits unhealthy ingredients like sugar-sweetened beverages and processed foods.

Besides being high in calories, carbs, and added sugar, studies show that sugar-sweetened beverages can contribute to issues like cavities, high blood pressure, inflammation, and insulin resistance (9, 10, 11).

Furthermore, research shows that eating processed foods may be associated with a higher risk of obesity, heart disease, and cancer (12, 13, 14).

It's also worth noting that the Boiled Egg Diet may be helpful if you're a dieter seeking more structure, as it provides guidance on recipes, meal plans, and which foods to eat and avoid.


The Boiled Egg Diet encourages eating several nutritious ingredients and limits many unhealthy foods. It also offers more structure and guidance than many other eating plans.

The Boiled Egg Diet is highly restrictive and offers little variety, permitting only a handful of specific foods and eliminating entire food groups.

This can not only make the diet difficult to follow long term but also make it challenging to meet your nutritional needs. Because only a few specific foods are permitted, your risk of nutrient deficiencies may increase — especially if you follow the diet long term.

For example, whole grains are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, while starchy vegetables like potatoes are a great source of vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. Neither of these food groups is allowed on the diet (15, 16).

What's more, the diet is so low in calories that it may not provide enough for many people.

Prolonged calorie restriction can cause serious side effects, including low energy levels, impaired immune function, decreased bone density, and menstrual disturbances (17, 18, 19, 20).

The plan may also promote unhealthy eating habits by eliminating entire food groups and severely restricting food intake.

Finally, note that while eggs have historically been considered unhealthy because they contain cholesterol, researchers have found that eating eggs only minimally affects your blood cholesterol levels (21).


The Boiled Egg Diet is highly restrictive, unsustainable, and offers little variety. It also severely reduces your calorie intake and may promote unhealthy eating habits.

The Boiled Egg Diet is a low carb, low calorie eating plan that promises fast and effective weight loss.

However, it's also highly restrictive, difficult to follow, and unsustainable.

Plus, although it may cause short-term weight loss, you'll likely regain the lost weight once you go back to eating a normal diet.

Incorporating some of the principles of the plan, such as limiting processed foods and sugar-sweetened beverages, into a healthy, well-rounded diet may be a more effective approach for successful long-term weight loss.

Egg Diet for Weight Loss Body


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